is a new Battle Royale IO Game where you spawn in a lobby and after all the players are ready, you go to the main map. You have to open chests, Loot other players, build a base, farm materials, kill your opponents & avoid the storm!. Will you be able to get the Victory Royale? Do you have whjat it takes to outhink your opponents, outplay them, and become the ultimate Kize? You may think you have what it takes to Kize but you won't know until the Kize hits the fan. So slam into this hard core crafting, base defense, and battle royale game where only the Kize survive.
21 times
E - Interact with ground items, chests and cars
F - Interact with ground items, chests and cars
Left click - Shoot your weapon
Q - Toggle build mode to build walls (you will need to use your left click to build the wall)
Space - Jump over mostly everything in the map! You can even jump through houses
Shift - Sprint
R - Reload your weapon
M - View the map and plan for the zone closing in
From 1 to 6 - Switch guns, you can also switch your guns with the wheel of your mouse
Drop & move your inventory - You only need to click the gun and move it where you want.